Monday, November 3, 2008


boring/hunger making last chapter.. thank you mark k.

first off, i love cheese all kinds. mostly colby-jack though, in my younger years i called it camo cheese. but ANYWAY back to SALT.

genoa and venice, huuuge salt ports. salt was boooming in these days. i still think its crazy that salt was this big of deal, i guess i was just oblivious to the history before my eyes every night at the dinner table. i wonder if someday students will be blogging about us and our oil obsession and think its a bit silly. i bet they will not have blogs by that time.

but anway genoa and venice were very competitive with eachother. salt was used for everything back then, again compared to gas, think about it what could you really do without gas. well you could get places but it would take MUCH longer. the food that was traded back then all used salt because it would probably go bad had it not been for the salt.

ham was getting to be a big thing in these days. i hope they had brown sugar! also it seems rather hard to cook ham, i suppose i'll continue to leave that to my mommy dearest. onto cheese, i didn't know salt was what aged cheese, i thought that aged swiss that i've been stocking up at the good ol iga(grocery store in which i work) was really very, very old. i'll feel a little better next time.

the mediteranean eventually died off and spain took over. everyone has their day i suppose.

hurrah for salt. actually, i learned a lot from this book. it was rather cool to learn about all the ways salt contributed to history. yay salt, but also yay for chapter 6 being over.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

NaCl^5.field trip to the adriatic!

welll on to chapter 5. no clever introduction here.

with the fall of rome, the mediteranean was free to anyone for the trade and transportation of salt. hurrah salt. except this caused much competition on the seas.

venice finally conquered all in the amazing "salt" race. they formed salt ponds which had a clever way of pumping water to get the salt, i'm really not sure i was rather confused with this, clarification? i would love to have a vacation home along the salt ponds though, that would be quite the get away.

the people of venice were smart enough to realize how they would profit from salt. i wish i could profit from salt today. maybe next summer i will have a salt stand, although i don't think it would go quite as well as the lemonade stands used to. especially because salt does not quench the thirst, if horses had money it could be quite profitable though.

anyway, why do we play MARCO... polo, if he really has nothing to do with anything about the game. he did nothing to do with hiding in a pool and swimming away from the person who is "it." i think i shall change the name of the game to, THIS MAKES.. no sense.

salt i am finding you more and more interesting by the day!

okay that was a bit sarcastic, but it is interesting how linked salt is to history.

NaCl^4.salad days

this was a very lengthy chapter. i still give props to mark k. for being able to write a whole book on salt, and i hear one about fish as well! oh my.

moving on to the saltiness. the romans ate pigs but i was not impressed with the parts they ate, not impressed one bit.

romans used salt as the united states uses gas. they made it affordable but costly enough that they would still profit, which i suppose it exactly what we do with gas because if there was no profit i don't believe profits would have to be nearly as high.

salt is the root of our words!? who knew.

salary, which soldier were paid in salt.

sal came from the french word solde.

and from solde came soldier.

i think this is very cool, this is one root we had not covered in honors english!

i really don't understand how they all used so much salt and nobody suffered from obesity or heart disease. i suppose they didn't use nearly as much as us, but when it is thrown at us in literature it seems like SALT is a huge part of food, which i didn't realize. i do not salt anything but my corn.

fermented fish sauce as medicine, i choose to stay ill. salty sauces are not your friends!

"and that's all i have to say about that."

forrest, forrest gump :)